Why do people on here ''like'' random stuff?

For example, a question like: ‘’Why isn’t my phone working?’’ there will be a bunch of likes on it.. or there will be really good, thought out answers, but the one that says ‘’I agree’’ or ‘’Yes’’ will be liked…

Answer #1

I have no idea. I think that once again people don’t read the questions or the other answers. Also maybe it’s friends that like what other friends say instead of reading the question.

I personally give people points if they answer to my question and I see that they gave a relevant answer. I don’t necessarily have to agree with them.

Answer #2

People are just being stupid or funny, you pick which describes them more.

I hate it when I see questions such as “Why is my skin so itchy?” and there will be about 7 likes and then replies similar to yours. I don’t understand, do they ‘like’ that your skin is itchy, or what? Maybe we have a few sadists around FA. :O Haha.

Answer #3

cuz they probly have facebook and “like” everything here the way they do on fb

Answer #4

i like Hobos alot!! :-3

Answer #5

There’s answers I wanna like on this question, but feel that I can’t now. :( Lol.

Answer #6

hahahaha.. silly goose. :P

Answer #7

Maybe because they think the post is funny or like, agreed with the poster on a random thing… I really dont know.

this reminds me of a person who created a bot that automatically likes all his FB friends’ posts. I was like wtf? Why does he need to like everything? :s apparently, there is a guiness record for this. But even then! :s

Answer #8

maybe they need a laugh in there life.

Answer #9

lool just kidding:)

Answer #10

Pizza bagels are awsome!! Wait a minute…

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