How many people actually know all of their friends personally on facebook and myspace?

I was just wondering because I know mostly all of the people on my accounts, but some of my friends just add anyone who asks, especially if they think they are cute.

Answer #1

i do

Answer #2

i do too

Answer #3

i do too

Answer #4

i do too

Answer #5

I do :) I post information i’d rather strangers not know.

Answer #6

I know 79 of 88 people on my m.s. which is shocking.. I didn’t think I knew that many people lol.. And on Facebook, I know maybe a quarter of them. The rest are added for the games I play on there.. (happy aquarium, farmville, mafia wars, etc. haha)

Answer #7

Right! Thats where the people I don’t know personally come from as well!

Answer #8

Yep.. I never go on now though.. but when I do, I always put ‘offline’… people are creepy on there lol

Answer #9

Me, I know almost all of them unless I met them on another site and added them there.I mean the reason why I made accounts was because I had to have a way to contact with my friends other then school.

Answer #10

I know most…..I have a few added for farmville. Maybe 5 or so…..Yea, I know.
I’m one of THOSE people! lol

Answer #11

I would, if I hadn’t started playing those games…now only about 1/3 of the people do I know…


Answer #12

Not only do I know them all, every one of them is an actual friend, not someone who is just an aquaintance or someone I went to primary school with but hardly spoke to. I have had some people add me and I have no idea why because we actually dont get on.

Answer #13

I used to. Then I was like aw screw this. and if someone add’s me, I accept. (ha, unless there like way older shudder) IVE never added someone I dont know though.

Answer #14

lol!!!!! Farmville or Mafia Wars? lol

Answer #15

most of them… the rest i was just randomly added by.

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