What colour of paint should I use for the house?

So far all the walls in each room have been painted Magnolia but the feature walls are different…here’s what i have painted for the feature walls in each room:

1st room= the feature wall is Aubergine 2nd room= the feature wall is chocolate 3rd room= the feature wall is Mocha 4rth room=????

i dont know what colour i should go for in the 4rth room for the feature wall????

please help :)

Answer #1

That is food, not colors. :P

All those colors sound pretty dark to me. Maybe you could try something lighter. Like pebble-stone gray or sand-colored?

Answer #2

I agree with “Rotten sheep of evil” all those rooms seem pretty dark. Then again its what your going for and the sizes of your rooms…From what I learned in a house interior class, Dark colored walls make the room look small and closed off. light colors brighten and open the room making it appear larger then it is. So if you have small rooms, I would paint them a light yellow, blue or green to make them look bigger and spacey. Also depending if your into this, a simple trick verticle stripes on your walls will give the impression that the room is bigger. This trick is great for rooms with low ceilings. Or if you want to stretch your living room widthwise, just turn the stripes sideways.

Answer #3

Purple :)

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