Can you make Oodles of Noodles in the microwave?

Ok i want Oodles of Noodles right now but my mom told me i cant cook it on the stove (im home alone and i want some oodles of noodles lol) so can u make it in the microwave? if you can, can you give me instructions of how….thanks!!!!

Answer #1

idk if oodles of noodles are the same as roman noodles but if so yeah you can put it on 2:15 and they will be ready to eat!!

Answer #2

do u put the water in and the seasoning? at the same time?

Answer #3

well i put it in water, microwave em at 2:15 take em out then put the sauce in … and then i add hot sauce lol but you dont have to.

Answer #4

lol k :)

Answer #5

Yes you most definitely can :) just pour water in a bowl with the noodles and heat for as dede said 2:15 then after mix it up with the flavor packet :)

Answer #6

thanks :D im home alone alot now because my parents got a job and my brother is lazy :P lol thanks!

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