Legalize Marijuana in Califonria

They’re saying that if they legalize marijuana in California that it may help the budget and bring in money and stop them from sending out IOU’s,how is this even going to help the state?

Answer #1

for those saying go ahead and make it legal. yall are prob just stupid pot heads that have no life.

Marijuana is California’s largest cash crop, illegal or not. It’s estimated that marijuana accounts for $14 billion of revenue each year in the state of California alone. Legalizing marijuana and imposing a 10% tax would bring in $1.4 billion a year for the state, not to mention the money generated from legalizing it nationwide.

The United States is the most “criminal” country in the world. Having only 5% of the earth’s population, it has 25% of it’s prisoners. We spend over $200 billion a year on policing the streets, corrections and court costs. Almost half of the arrests and costs are non violent drug possession charges related to marijuana. Legalizing marijuana would free up the judicial system for dealing with the child molesters and murderers who belong in prison, not the otherwise law abiding citizen who happens to smoke a little weed.

Legalizing marijuana would erase the national debt and create jobs. It would generate additional money to better fund government programs, like schools, health care and saving the environment. Legalizing marijuana nationwide would be beneficial to patients with cancer, Aids, chronic pain and insomnia.

Tobacco kills thousands of people each year from lung cancer and alcohol causes a majority of fatal car accidents and damages you body but they remain legal. Marijuana is not as harmful as everyone has been made to believe. The majority of anti-marijuana campaigns are paid for by cigarette and alcohol companies thinking that if marijuana use were made legal, maybe not as many people would use their products to relieve stress and enjoy themselves. Studies have shown that smoking marijuana can actually decrease your chances of getting lung cancer. Abusing fast food restaurants will cause more harm to your body and national health care costs than marijuana.

I believe us ‘stupid potheads’ make way more sense than the fanatical bible thumping ‘right wingists’.

Answer #2

yeah its just about the state. so they can get money from taxes from people who purchase drugs in my personal opinion, they shouldnt legalize it. seriously, moneys getting too serious. not too many people think about the health of people [alota teens] that die from drugs daily. -_-

Answer #3

of thats the case they should leglize it everywere…it will make the world better…for most of us

Answer #4

if all illicit drugs were legalized in 2 weeks the countries debt would be paid off. with that said legalizing marijuana specifically would save money by no longer prosecuting and detaining prisoners of a marijunana charge. also, sellers of marijuana would be paying taxes much like tabacco. granted some will just grow it themselves and sell it but they will be charged with tax evasion and possibly other charges.

Answer #5

I think it will help them money wise but they arent thinking about the people making it legal could bring up a lot of crimes and a lot of death people no the hrrible things drugs do to your body and they shouldnt let it happen it sure as hell will bring in a lot of money but they arent thinking about the people around them the people who arent doing drugs but are getting hurt because of them…!

Answer #6

for those saying go ahead and make it legal. yall are prob just stupid pot heads that have no life.

Answer #7

who cares how its going to help the state dude? we can blaze it now and no one will b*tch at us! hell yeah! haha

Answer #8

by collecting tax revenue that then can fund federal jobs and projects

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