is it gay if guys get their nipples pierced?

In your opinion is it gay if guys get their nipples pierced? I’ve been looking into it.

Answer #1

I’m straight and I have mine done man so I really don’t see the big deal about it.. Some of my buddies are giving me hell over it, but they’ll get over it in a few weeks..

Answer #2

yea thats probably the gayest part of a body a guy can peirce I would defenatly not reccomend you gettin your nippless peirced, haha thats homo sh*t rite thur haha thats just my opinion though oh, and pretty much the only girls thta I’ve know to like it, or find it attractive are rocker chikks, haha^^^

Answer #3

its not gay

Answer #4

I’ve got my right nipple and the top of my ear done and I am gay so id say YES lol

Answer #5

No, I don’t think so. I know plenty of straight guys who have their nipples done. =]

Answer #6

have the top of ure ear done.. cartalidge… I’ve got it done but I LOVE it on a lad

quite a few lass’s do x

Answer #7

I find it attractive

Answer #8

That would be awesome.

Answer #9

I’m 6’3”, 220lb weight lifter and mountain climber. Both my nipples are pierced with closed rings that are permanently sealed shut, like roman gladiators had. The rings can be rotated completely around since there is no ball in the way. They are 12 gauge, which is pretty thick for a nipple.

My 40 years of life have been filled with relationships with wonderful and sexy women. These last 20 years with the piercings have proven one thing, if the woman is really into you and worth her salt, as the old saying goes, nothing on you is going to make you look gay to her. Don’t worry about what someone thinks.

If a guy bothers you about your piercings, get right up in his face and don’t say a word. Stare the S.O.B. down and see who flinches first. If a woman says something negative about your piercings, laugh at her and walk away.

Learn to be a man. Ancient warriors had nipple piercings, Gladiators had nipple piercings, what is gay about them?

You have the balls to get your nipples pierced?

Real men from history would respect your bravery and fearlessness. Ignore the chattering chickens that want you to be just like everyone else.

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