I feel beat down

All of the popular kids at my school put me down for being into Musical Theatre. I feel like I have no friends (or at least no REAL friends). I would like to have friends, how should I do that when everyone at my school hates me and starts rumors about me?

Answer #1

girl, I’m going to speak the truth: high school is hell, but you can get thru it. plus, musical theatre is a great topic to get into; if you love it so much, you can turn it into a career. as for those other kids, well, they are just jealous. that’s right; jealous. they are the kids that feel bad about themselves so they try to ruin everyone else. don’t let yourself be one of them. I’m speaking from past experience. those kids will probly end up on the bad side of life; you, if you keep a positive attitude, YOU will succeed in Theatre. Good luck!

Answer #2

During my first few high school years, I was a bit worse off. No friends except for one, who was a year younge than me. The people I hung around with, really, were simply a$$holes. Just be yourself, don’t try to fit in by doing the emo thing if theyre into that or by smoking because they do or anything like that. I MEAN IT!!! You’ll regret it… I know I do.

These people don’t sound like true friends. Atctually one of my best mates likes the musical and plays instruments and stuff and all that, whereas most of the resty of us are into metal and can’t pay instruments at all. Yet he is stillone of our best mates and we dont put him down for it, I actually respect and admire him for doing it as I could never do that.

And with the rumors, you will find they can take a while to come back to you. ll you can really do there is keep your ears open. When someone DOES ask, obviouslt say it isnt true. Maybe you can make friends because someone asks you?

Answer #3

don’t listen to what they say I think that you should just be your self and wait till someone else comes along like that…that how I do and it work too…you shouldn’t care bout what people say about you because you know who you are in the inside and out side…

Answer #4

that was me last year but not into musical theater. I just was my self and eventually you will find your click. I just started a new school and the 1st day by just being my self I found my group. so just b urself around EVERY1!!!

Answer #5

Don’t let them make you feel like you are an outcast just because you like different things.. Try to make friends who like the theatre too, or maybe something else you are interested in. I’m sure there is somebody out there.

Answer #6

A real friend is someone that supports you no matter what you like. people who put you down are not real friends. be yourself, it is your life make yourself happy

Answer #7

make new friends, and ignore the “popular” kids in your school!!! “popular” kids usually do this kinda things cause they’re jelous, so just ignore them, and keep this in spinning in mind: “they’re just jelous, I’m better than them” when you keep saying that to yourself you will feel better, but when you show them that you’re down because of THEM, they will only get worse, cause they got to their goal!!!

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