I am trying to get 360 waves that are really nice and deep

I need someone that can help me get to my finish point of having 360 waves and can like coach me and teach me how to get 360 waves. I will do what ever you think is rite and by the way I do have pretty nappy hair. Please dont be stupid and tell me to do the wrong thing. Please comment if you can help me.

Answer #1

noo dont listen 2 any ov these answers. you get waves by brushing ya hair a lot. use any kind of wave grease EXCEPT MURRAYS and a du rag 2 lay ya hair down. you get 360 waves by getting your hair 2 lay down as much as possible. rite now im wolfing (letting my hair grow while still brushing a lot). I been wolfing 4 about a month now and I can see how deep my waves are already. I been with the wave thing since the summer of 09 and I havent stopped since. got any questions hit ma aim liveboystax and if you dont beliive me I can send you pictures of da wave g’z !

Answer #2

noo dont listen 2 any ov these answers. you get waves by brushing ya hair a lot. use any kind of wave grease EXCEPT MURRAYS and a du rag 2 lay ya hair down. you get 360 waves by getting your hair 2 lay down as much as possible. rite now im wolfing (letting my hair grow while still brushing a lot). I been wolfing 4 about a month now and I can see how deep my waves are already. I been with the wave thing since the summer of 09 and I havent stopped since. got any questions hit ma aim liveboystax and if you dont beliive me I can send you pictures of da wave g’z ! 0O0O0O I ALMOST 4GOT I use 360 style and carrot creme on my hair with a durag at night. (apply 360 style when you have short hair then use carrot creme 4 when you wolf then brush the hell out of ya hair

Answer #3

My boys waves are DEEP and you basically get deep waves from having big curls. Little tight curls give you little tight waves, big curls, big deep waves. Grow your hair out a little more than regular and use vasoline

Answer #4

What you really want to do is start with a fresh cut if you havent already. the best perferred hair products is dax you want to have a soft boar bristle brush small enough to keep in your pocket 24/7 and brush everyday. also you want to shampoo AND CONDITION your hair as much as possible and lay your hair down every night. you also want to wait 2.5 weeks before your next cut too

Answer #5

do this before yhu qo to sleep first yhu qotta qed weave grease ; or just any hair grease and put it in yhur hair and brush it ; then put a stocking cap on yhur head and sleep with it on .

Answer #6

I think you put bees wax on your hair but not a lot then comb your hair up wards I guess

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