How do I get rid of this so called virus?

So recently yesteday, my computer I guess got a virus, so I checked my anti virus and it said out of date I guess, so I reinstalled it and did a virus scan, and yet the virus is still there. Keeps popping up a “Windows Security Alert” balloon in my tool bar. When I click it, it just sends me to a page where an anti virus you have to pay for is being advertised. Any help?

Answer #1

Sounds like Security Tool virus?
Does it say Security Tool at the top?

Message me back I can help you out.

Answer #2

Try to go to a computer place and sell if they can help ya out. =D Plus get Norton Anti-Virus,it works really good. You can download the trial version and when it expires just uninstall it and then install it again lol

Answer #3

Put it in Qurantine and send it to the company from whom you bought the antivirus(ofcourse mail it to them) or install a better antivirus!

Answer #4

First go to malwarebytes dot org and download the free version. then google Avast and get their free anti virus, the google zone alarm and download their free firewall save all to desktop. If you know how to rename a program (right click on it) rename malwarebytes to winlogon.exe install, and update malwarebytes. disconnect from the internet and run a full scan follow promptsto delete anything it catches. reconnect to the internet and install the firewall and the anti virus. update the avast free then run another quick scan of malwarebytes after the firewall and avast are updated and running these will keep you pretty well protected until you can afford better protection. OH YES!!!BEFORE YOU START TURN OFF SYSTEM RESTORE THERE’S PROBABLY A REBOOT HACKTOOL ASSOCIATED WITH THIS (PROBABLY) FAKE VIRUS. ANTI VIRUS CAN’T SCAN THE RESTORE VOLUME BY DEFAULT, THE ONLY WAY TO KILL IT IS TO TURN OFF SYS RESTORE, WHEN ALL IS DONE TURN SYS RESTORE BACK ON AND CREATE A NEW RESTORE POINT. GOOD LUCK If you need good software email me through the site

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