Which highlight colors should I get in my hair?

Ok. I have shourt brown hair and I’m going to get it hilighted. What colors(3) do you think would look best out of: red black blond white bolond. Help me pleas!!!

Answer #1

blond , white blond would be pretty if you were a light brown.

Answer #2

black with red strights

Answer #3

I think you should black ,blond ,white blond

Answer #4

I think blond and black look gud with dark brown or lite

Answer #5

ohkaii well if your hair is dark brown. then get lighter brown and red

or if you have light brown… then blondee

Answer #6

dark brown - red and med. blonde light brown - light and med blonde

Answer #7

I think you should get red and blonde

Answer #8

I think black or red will look good

Answer #9

well, I have brown hair too, and these colors look wonderful in mine…I have a carmel blond (its a little bit lighter than that, but carmel is a great blond color!!) and I have an almond red…the colors go great together!!!

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