Gay/Lezbian Marriage...right or wrong?

Hello, I believe that falling in love with the same gender fine. I love, love, love gay people but more often then not I will see -particularily Christians “GOD HATES FAGS! THANK GOD FOR AIDS!” Now, tell me why you hate the gay/lezbian community ok. Because I see nothing wrong with it. Love has no gender, race, or age. I think people who don’t like gay/lezbians are most definitly wrong. People cannot help it when they feel the same way about the same gender. I’m straight but I stand up for people I love. Tell me how you feel.

Answer #1

I’m christian and I think gays should be together.. I’m not like that in any way, but I feel that you can’t help who you fall in love with and you should be with whoever you want. I like Yaoi as a matter of fact, and all that is, is books or anime about gay men. it’s fine to me.

Answer #2

yes true love has no gender,color or age but marriage its a whole different story I see it as this…marriage was made under religons all around the world. so if your not going to be in the religion then why should you get married under the religions rules?? thats like someone saying im arabic but “I dont think I want to wear these clothes” or “im gonna marry this lady” its not in their religion! to do that stuff and same for other religions around the world they never marry inside their gender! so bacicly what im saying is they need their own religion because why? freedom to religion! and bam they can get married! capice???

Answer #3

people say a tipical marrige is between a man and a woman, because a 2 guys and 2 girls cannot make love, and have a baby, but im for gay marrige I think there is nothing wrong with it I look at it like if straight people could date get marriend and everything like that why cant a gay person, they never asked to be gay, its not there fault, I believe you always have to put your self in the other persons shoes I have a boyfriend who makes me sooo happy soo why cant they have love??? it makes no sense but im 100% for it

Answer #4

It’s like this, I wouldn’t want someone telling me who to marry, so they should be able to marry whoever they want. If God doesn’t like it, then… well.. I’m Christain, but I hate the fact that GOD disapproves of being gay. It’s dumb. Like wtf? He doesn’t want us to be in love?? That pisses me off big time. Sometimes I think religion and what not is DUMB. There are “religious” rules for everything! No tats, no piercings! It’s sooo… arrrgggh!

Answer #5

its wrong God made Men and Women here for each other he made adam and eve if he wanted us to be gay he would have made Adam and Mike or Eve and Misty lol

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