Getting rid of stomach hair?

I have stomach hair, how do I get rid of it? I heard that if I shave itll grow back darker and thicker… is this true or just a myth?

Answer #1

Shaving hair doesn’t make it grow back thicker, darker, or faster.

When you shave, it cuts the hair so the tip is flat instead of rounded, which makes it seem thicker.

Answer #2

just shave it. and keep shaving it when it gets longer but make sure to use shving cream. if you dont use it. itll hurt latr.

Answer #3

DO NOT SHAVE IT!!! Both of my older sisters were stupid enough to shave their belly hair, and now it grows all around their belly! They regret it so much and tell me that I should NEVER EVER SHAVE IT! I promise you that you will regret it! I have belly hair, and it is very annoying! but I just leave it there and if anyone says anything about it, I just tell them to back off I am a mammal and I grow hair ya know? hope I got to you fast enough before you shave it!

Answer #4

NO SHAVE ALERT ALERT bad expeiences… bleach, or wax, or hair removal

Answer #5

Stomach hair is hot on guys.

Leave it.

Answer #6

It does grow back thicker and faster,but I don’t know about darker!!! why don’t you try waxing it!! Lolz that’s all I cud think of because when I wax it stays off for like a longer amount of time then when you shave!

Answer #7


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