How can I deal with emotional outbursts?

I have completely moved on, but at some specks of time, suddenly the feeling of sadness rises and makes me think and say stuff I don’t wanna :/ Any suggestions how I can deal with these?

Answer #1

Do u mean like cryin?=`(

Answer #2

Yep, sometimes makes me cry. The weird thing about it is that it doesn’t stay for long, only like twenty or thirty minutes :O

Answer #3

Talking it out and finding a positive outlet to release your emotions, like painting or sports or whatever you love doing. It’s good to have a positive release because when you keep feelings bottled up for too long, they’ll overflow :/

Answer #4

Thanks Kahili!

Answer #5

of course, good luck in finding a way to cope with whatever it is that you’re dealing with :)

Answer #6

Same thing with me:’(so i really dont no what 2 do:(

Answer #7

Punch someone

Answer #8

You can’t think two thoughts at the same time. Tapping into your postive creative side as Kahili posted can overpower and deminish the direction of your mind and those unwanted feelings. Your feelings are made up of your mind and your mind has a tendency to move from past to future. The trick is to train it to the present where you not your mind is in control

Answer #9

Try something new, weird. Find some old crayons and just doodle, or find a coloring book. Find your inner-child :) Enjoy simple pleasures in life–grab a box of chocolates and milk!

I guess what I’m trying to say is to just be silly, and see the sunshine instead of the clouds hiding it. I’ve been feeling sad suddenly lately, angry, so I know how you feel. You can always seek me out if you need to talk, I’ll always reply :) Good luck!

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