Any tips on how to make basic fondant?

Pretty self-explanatory.

I’m making ginger creams, and need fondant as a base for the filling. I know how to make it, but it’s my first time, so any tips?

Answer #1

here’s some info;


4 cups of granulated sugar, 1 ½ cups of cold water, ¼ a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, or 3 drops of acetic acid.


Stir the sugar and water in a saucepan. Set on the back part of the range, until the sugar is melted, then draw the saucepan to a hotter part of the range, and stir until the boiling point is reached. Add the cream of tartar or acid and, with the hand or a cloth wet repeatedly in cold water. Wash down the sides of the saucepan, to remove any grains of sugar that have been thrown there. Cover the saucepan and let boil rapidly three or four minutes. Remove the cover. Set in the thermometer — if one is to be used — and let cook very rapidly to 240° F / 125ºC, or to the soft ball degree. Wet the hand in cold water and with it dampen a marble slab or a large platter. Without jarring the syrup, turn it onto the marble or platter. Do not scrape out the saucepan or allow the last of the syrup to drip from it, as sugary portions will spoil the fondant by making it grainy. Turn and create a ball. When the syrup is cold, with a metal scraper or a wooden spatula, turn the edges of the mass towards the center, and continue turning the edges in until the mass begins to thicken and grow white. Work it up into a ball, scraping all the sugar from the marble onto the mass; knead slightly, then cover closely with a heavy piece of cotton cloth wrung out of cold water. Let the sugar stand for an hour or longer to ripen. Remove the damp cloth and cut the mass into pieces. Press these closely into a kitchen bowl, cover with a cloth wrung out of water (this cloth must not touch the fondant) and then with heavy paper. Use as required. See “Tips” below.


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