How to talk with an older business person and persuade him?

I mean what should i do to persuade this older business guys i mean they think they know everything and maybe they know all the tricks on the book. I wanna close the deal with this guy but he is like a shark you know how can i persuade him of my idea is good you know any advice tell me please thank you.

Answer #1

Does the idea help him, or do you want him to invest in your idea?

Answer #2

Well i try to invest in my idea, but you know how difficult those business man can be.

Answer #3

Well i try to persuade him to invest in my idea, but i dont want to screw up, those business man can be difficult sometimes.

Answer #4

I mean, do you want HIM to invest in the idea, or do you want to SELL him the service of the idea?

Answer #5

A good way to persuade any person to accept your product/advertise is to show how it can make his/her life better/smoother/“cooler”. You have to create a necessity for the product in the mind of the buyer.

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