What sense would you choose to live without?

What do you think would be easiest to live without? (sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch)

and why?


Answer #1

Sure NO One,moe !!! So why God create us with all these senses ?! :)

Answer #2

answering these questions really make me realize how fortunate I am ro have all senses XD

Answer #3

Smell isn’t as important as the other senses

Answer #4

taste XD then I wouldn’t love food and I might loose weight! haha

Answer #5

I’ve thought about that. Hmm, I suppose on a practical level, taste. But to never taste chocolate again, how could I survive!

Answer #6

smell.. I need the rest,desperately,mentally.psychologically.. I need them.

Answer #7

none. lol. ^^

but if I had to… probably either smell or taste. =] because those aren’t as consciously used as sight, hearing, and touch. =]

but I’m glad I have all 5. =]

Answer #8

I’d have to say sight. I love food too much, the taste and the smell. I’m a musician, so I don’t think I could live without music, and there’s no way I could go through the day without any feeling.

Answer #9

wll, if you loose your sense of smell you loose your sense of taste. But if that wasn’t the case and I absolutly hd to for whatever freak reason I’ld say smell… …or maybe taste…ya..maybe taste… …though I love food it just might be easier because I love to just look at things, I love beauty(and may be a bit vain), I draw, write, get on the comp so I couldn’t loose sight. You can use your sense of smell to sense dangorous gases, I can’ make it trhough the day without hearing some kind of music, or soothing voices, ect, and without touch/feel I’m sure it’s hard to be pleasured 1_~, and I just like feeling things(not to be taken the wrong way). Though I love food, taste would be easier to lve without. I eat a lot but my life doesn’t revolve around food 1, and 2 it would be easier to eat my step father’s cooking XD

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