What are some good arpil fools day pranks?

A member of my family has been away on buissness and is coming home tonight. As it is april fool day we are trying to figure out a good buyable prank. We thought about telling him the dog got run over while he was on his flight home, but we thought he might not buy it. we have a pool so maybe that could come in handy. if the prank is simple to do, takes limited supplies, and does not take more than a couple hours to pull off please post idea. I want to make this a memorable home coming welcome! : D

Answer #1

Gllue his chair to his butt!CLASSIC!!!lol!As soon as he comes home,let him sit down(don’t let him see the chair)and bam!Let him sit in it for a bit while the glue dries.Then once it has and he stands up…bam!Lol!Did that to my big bro. last year!Funny as heck!!!Lol!Can’t g wrong with the classics!!!=DGood luck!

Answer #2

you could so a sick prank with like a knife and stage blood make it look like some thing terrible happened lol. just dont give them a heart attack

Answer #3

omg if I told my mom that she would freak :D

Answer #4

I told my mom I was pregnant she cried it was funny

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