Can sun damage skin if you're young?

I’m 13 years old (female) and I’m very pale. I’ve always been trying to figure out the perfect was to sun tan outside. I know it could damage your skin, but will it at such a young age? thanks 4 helping!! : - ) @};- (rose) kate

Answer #1

Dear bballvr93, Yes it will damage your skin. Anytime the sun turns your skin a different colour than it is normally that is damage. This damage cannot be reversed. In fact the younger you are when you have a sunburn they say the more chance of skin cancer. The smart thing to do is to learn to love they way you are and ask yourself is it worth getting cancer to look a shade or two darker? Sue..good luck

Answer #2

The sun will damage your skin at whatever age you are! To get a good tan use something like Johnsons (I have tried most of them and this seems to be the one that works the best) moisteriser with tanning lotion in it everyday or every other day and this will build up a gradual, natural tan (Trust me it works!) and then just generally cover-up and use factor 30 or more everyday on all possible exposed areas of your skin. Hope this helped hunni! x

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