Can you get pregnant on the last day of your period?

can you get pregnant the last day of your period or the day after you stop?

Answer #1

Yes you can get pregnant anytime period or no period never think just cause you got your period you cant get pregnant cause you can.

Answer #2

Yes you can. You can ovulate anytime during your cycle, combine that with sperm and viola! Pregnancy.

The only way to know when you ovulate is by using Fertility Awareness (aka Fertility Charting). it’s where you record your basal body temperature and check you cervical mucous daily for indicators of ovulation… then you know to abstain from those times, plus the days when sperm still living in your vagina could overlap with those days. Which really only leaves a small window to have unprotected intercourse without any type of contraceptive and not get pregnant.

Google fertility awareness/charting

xox Sika

Answer #3

No I donT think so take from someone who is pregnant with pregnacy number 7 and having my 4th child. It is kind of scary.

Answer #4

yes you can get pregnant anytime period or better just be safe and use a condom

Answer #5

It is more easily to get pregnant with your period on than when it is off because you are more fertile

Answer #6

Yeah, you can get pregnant anytime, theres no ‘safe zone’.

Answer #7

it’s possible.

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