My family and friends think Im weird because Im vegetarian.

My friends and fam always tell me to stop being vegetarian. When I tell them I feel bad for the animals they tell me to get over it and they say that God put animals on this earth for us to eat and then I say no, I dont think so and then I get into this big argument. So basically everytime I say no I dont eat meat they get mad! I dont get into big arguments, they just think Im unhealthy. So then I feel like I havta eat meat and I do, but when I eat it I feel guilty! I dont know what to do!

Answer #1

Its not unhealthy! Get information on it and explain it to them! Its actually much healthyier! And your saving animals! Stand up for what you believe in!

Answer #2

You should check out vegan web sites and show them articles on how you can be vegan and still get all the vitamins and minerals you need. You could also talk to your doctor and get advice from him.

Answer #3

I get in the SAME ARGUMENT with my family over the whole God thing! How in the world can they think that God put living, breathing, feeling, bleeding, thinking creatures on this earth for us to slaughter and consume? Honestly. STAY STRONG

Answer #4

Look im from the south and so my family is about hunting and when I went vegetarian my family were confused and mad because, they thought I was judging them but I wasnt and I explained to them that I personally cannot eat meat and that I feel too bad to eat another animal and they said the exact same thing but I just stick my ground and let them know that im capible of making my own decions and that its my choice to make not theirs. and as far as health goes a vegetarian diet is healtier just make sure you do have protien you can get it from soy,nuts,and peanut butter just be happy with yoursef :)

Answer #5

if you don’t want to eat meat, then don’t. but realize that it is a lot of work to eat healthy while not including meat in your diet. as to making your family mad at you…there’s not much you can do other than let them know you’ve made your choice. you’ve got a lot of control; I couldn’t live without meat. my hat goes off to you, my lady. best of luck, live the dream.


Answer #6

:] hey! that’s cool. I tried being a veggie-eater once but the beef jerky looked sooo good. tell your family that it’s YOUR choice on what you eat. (say it nicely.) if they think that you aren’t getting enought protein tell them that fruits and vegetables give you plenty and so does peanuts/peanut butter. or suggest protein pills.


Answer #7

Ok, ask yourself this question, are you a vegitarion because you “feel bad for animals” or because you wanna be healthy.

First off, both reasons are… for lack of a better word… stupid.

If you’re doing it “for the animals” you have to remember that no matter how much meat you eat, the amount of animals killed will be the same, in fact if you don’t eat it, odds are that more of the meat will go to waste than not if you had eaten it.

If you doing to be more Healthy, you’re not being for healthy, in fact you’re hurting yourself, there are vitamens and minerals in meat that you either cannot or will have trouble getting in any plant. Meaning that in doing it you’re actually weakening yourself and shortening your lifespan.

So basically we learned that being a Vegitarian is a bad choice no matter how you slice it, plus you miss out on some of the best foods in the world… but do whatever you want… one less person I have to compete for a job with.

Answer #8

Actually “Bongo” you’re wrong…if more and more ppl become vegatarians and vegans then eventually meat sales will go down because fewer people will be buying it…so meat companys will be forced to cut back on produce, therefore fewer animals being killed…

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