I want to become goth/scence/punk. How?

For a while I have been girly girl and just ware a lot of pink and stuff, Im tired of all this girly stuff! My favorit stores are hottopic and zumiez there the only ones I shop at. I love the goth punk rock stuff. But like all my clothes are all girly, how am I suppose to get rid of all of them and get money for all brand new goth clothes! I know it would be expensive. I feel kinda bad for going punk because my grandma keeps saying she likes me the way I am, and I think my mom wont like me being goth. I get made fun at, at school, I think going goth I will be made fun of, of something else. I rather be called goth than short,ugly,bignosed. I just want to change my style.

Answer #1

Goth/punk is a lifestyle moreso than just a style. I am a thrasher and I’m just as much of a thrasher when I’m in Tripp pants and a band shirt than when I’m wearing blue jeans and tie-dye. If you want to be goth/punk for style, you won’t get any respect from them because the true goths/punks are into more than the style. Trust me. My best friends in high school were goths and punks and thrashers. They hated people who were into only the style more than anyone else, even more than the jocks who harassed them. “Freak” was a badge you earned (especially with the way “alternative” kids were treated at my high school)and people who tried to just dress their way into it weren’t recieved well. If you just want to change your style, don’t do it in a way that will make goths/punks roll their eyes and the other kids think you’re Satan; you’ll just alienate yourself from everybody. Respect yourself and people who truly love you and care for you will respect you. Those are the only people who matter, and as to those who make fun of you, by changing your style because of them you are letting them control you. And by your senior year of high school, nobody cares anymore. Seriously. Nobody cares after a certain point. Things are intense, especially freshman and sophmore years. I remember they were for me, especially with the way I was recieved as a “goth” at school. But it calms down and in the end what people say now won’t matter at all.

Answer #2

alisonmaryyy I agree with you. im tired of everyone changing their style just because it seems cool. but if you must don’t go around saying “im goth I hate life” you’ll be labeled a poser with a capital p. don’t take this as me being mean take this as me caring for what people think about other people. :)

Answer #3

Check out www.ultimategothguide.piczo.com for loads and loads of tips on Goth fashion, lifestyle and culture. It has several pages on how to dress Goth when you’re on a budget, and how to customise clothes you already have. Don’t just go down to Hot Topic and buy what amounts to a Goth-In-A-Box kit, or you’ll basically be a poser. And I’d recommend finding out more about the lifestyle, music and culture associated with Goth before you decide whether or not it’s for you. Another good website for this is www.gothic-charm-school.com, also you could check out www.goth.net. Good luck!

Answer #4
  1. Stop being a poser and be YOURSELF.

  2. If you really want that stuff, get off your lazy butt and get a job.

Answer #5

Judging by your ending sentence, it sounds to me like your just “going goth” so people stop making fun of you so much about the stuff you mentioned. That’s not how to get them to stop. Take up for yourself. Report them to a teacher/principal if they harass you. You don’t just randomly “become” gothic. That’ll REALLY get them making fun of you because they’ll laugh and call you a poser. Just be yourself. Dress however you want, shop wherever you want, have whatever kind of make up/hair styles you want, listen to whatever music you want, etc… You can still wear “girlie” clothes and shop for other things at hot topic if that’s what you want to do. It’s whatever YOU like. It’s no one else’s business. You don’t need to change who you are just because some idiots are making fun of you.

Answer #6

your realyy pretty I dont think you need to change how you are. you should be happy wiff your self. but im pretty sure im not going to change your mind about changing so I guess I would start out wiff a hair cut (whatever style) then buy clothes that will look good wiff it:) I don’t know hope I helped

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