How to pass a drug test. Only people respond if they exactly pass?

Help I need to pass a drug test. I’m 5’3 at 105 pds. I been smoking on a regular basic, but I stop for 3weeks and started again for two weeks. I have stopped again about 6 days ago. Do you think I can pass a drug test 2weeks later.

Answer #1

I have a friend who smokes 4 hits every friday and passes a drug test every monday. He just takes about 20 cranberry pills drinks absurd ammounts of water and tea and doesn’t eat anything unless it has antioxidants in it such as fruits. I’d suggest you dont smoke the next few weeks though just to make sure.

Answer #2

take a daily supplement of niacin.. no more than the 100 % daily intake…like drink an energy drink or something every day. you really should be good..if your nervous just go get a detox…that’s what I do.. the three hour detox’s work.. but sometimes it comes up diluted. but niacin..cranberry juice…working out def., lemon juice, and yeah unfortunately kinda starve yourself…because you need to burn off your fat…that’s where your thc is housing itself. little bastards.

Answer #3

Its not the best idea, but I pot head friend would take someone else’s piss and put it in a small container. or maybe use a cap and seal it with tape. In his case, he tied a condom to his penis and later dropped the piss in the cup. He has always passed them.

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