Do you believe Jimmy Carter was right?

Was he right in seeking to raise the fleet auto mileage standard to 48 miles per gallon by 1995? (Even U.S. automakers admitted at the time that they could easily achieve 30 mph by 1985.)

Was he right in telling Americans to turn down their thermostats?

In his July 1979 speech, was he right when he said, “I am tonight setting a clear goal for the energy policy of the United States. Beginning this moment, this nation will never use more foreign oil than we did in 1977 — never.” ?

Was he right to encourage fuel conservation by proposing a 50-cents-per-gallon tax on gasoline and a fee on imported oil — in effect, a floor for fuel prices?

Was he right to recommend a tax on windfall oil profits to finance a crash program to develop affordable synthetic fuels?

Was he right in setting a goal of obtaining 20 percent of our energy from solar power by the year 2000?

When oil prices began declining in the 1980s, the justification for change vanished altogether. The Reagan administration junked the proposed 1995 mileage standard and the rest of the Carter agenda.

Amazingly, amid today’s record gasoline prices, Congress even now doesn’t quite get it.

It was only last December that Congress approved new mileage standards, the first in 32 years. If they stand, the present fleet standard of 27.5 mpg will rise to 35 mpg — but not until 2020.

Our leaders’ idea of promoting alternative energy is touting future, non-existent technologies, and that false savior, ethanol. Ethanol consumes nearly as much fuel to make as it produces, while collaterally raising food prices and damaging the environment.

The latest craze is for drilling in the Arctic and offshore, a short-term solution of dubious value that is wildly popular among oilmen and congressmen up for re-election, and in the Bush administration — which evidently hopes to use high gasoline prices as a wedge for opening off-limits areas to exploration for its Big Oil constituency.

Meanwhile, Congress has failed to take the simple step of renewing federal tax credits for wind and solar power that will expire at year’s end. Every week of congressional foot-dragging on renewing the tax credits further dries up venture capital for critical solar and projects.

It is because without any public debate, a de facto U.S. energy policy has evolved and is now in place: to cling ever tighter to our oil-based economy and its lucrative profits for the scions of the status quo, and to marginalize all who are not on board with this.

And now we are in the exact bind that Jimmy Carter tried to prevent three decades ago, when we were reeling from the concussive effects of oil supply disruptions in 1973 and 1979. Acting with promptness difficult to fathom today, our elected leaders then enacted year-around Daylight Savings Time, dropped the speed limit to 55, and established government price controls. And, oh so fleetingly, we downsized what we drove. All gone.

Consequently, the United States last year imported 3.6 billion barrels of oil, three times the 1.2 million barrels imported in 1973. We not only are consuming record amounts of oil, we import nearly 60 percent of it, about 13 million barrels per day. In 1977, U.S. oil imports totaled 8.5 million barrels a day, or 46 percent of consumption.

Remember, under Carter’s energy plan we were to hold the line at the 1977 oil import figure, in barrels. Had we done this, the percentage of U.S. oil imported today would be around 40 percent. Additional savings from Carter’s conservation and his alternative energy and synthetic fuel programs would surely have cut oil imports even further.

An energy crisis is again upon us. Soaring gasoline prices and oil imports are daggers aimed at the heart of our stumbling economy.

It is time to give Jimmy Carter’s proposals a second hearing.

This is what he said in July 1979: “You know we can do it. We have the natural resources. We have more oil in our shale alone than several Saudi Arabias. We have more coal than any nation on Earth. We have the world’s highest level of technology. We have the most skilled work force, with innovative genius, and I firmly believe that we have the national will to win this war.”

Do you believe Jimmy Carter was right?
America, hindsight is 20/20…

Answer #1

Carter looked at energy as a national security issue. As long as we are dependent on foreign nations for oil we are at their mercy.

Eliminating this dependency is one approach to this problem.

Getting into resource wars is another.

Much of this was decided by the American consumer who decided that they wanted to drive the largest, most powerful, and least efficient vehicle they could. As pathetic as the CAFE standards are the main reason why poeple bought SUVs was because CAFE standards reduced their choices for really big cars. Light trucks are not held to the same fleet mileage standard as cars so people bought huge SUVs. Who would have thought that Caddilac and Porche would start making trucks to tap this market?

Of course Carter was right about this and many other things. If subsequent presidents showed this much leadership we would be in a much better place today.

Answer #2

Jimmy Carter, tossed aside by Washington and his own party. I always liked him as a man and president. The country should have listened instead of ridiculing…

Answer #3

Of course he was right. However, presidents (democrat AND republican) are like CEO’s, short term thinkers who generally give short shift to long term thinking.

Compare, for example, Google to Yahoo. While I worked at Yahoo, they were trounced by Google, and then Google goes on to build the world’s largest private solar installation…and partner with NASA for space exploration. Did they need to do these things? Nope, they’re thinking long term.

Yahoo, on the other hand, is becomming a joke in the media busines, despite making billions a year in revenue…

if you ran your business like Google, thinking long term, then you’d be riduculed by some, sure, but if you have a vision & stick to it for the long haul, you benefit humanity.

Some leaders can’t grasp that.

Answer #4

Amoeba, I Agree whole heartedly. Carter was so far ahead of the curve on this, and reagan just completely dismissed his policies in farvor of his buddies in the oil industry. If carter had won a second term, we would not be in the position we are in today.

Answer #5


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