get him to break up wit his girlfriend

this kid I likes has a girlfriend but they constantly fight and he always flirts wit me like extremely and I realllyy like him is there anyway I can get him to break up wit his girlfriend without it bein obvious??? pleaseee help mee

Answer #1

well you cant make him break up with her but you can tell or ask him if he like you then why is he still with her… dont let him just be messin with your emotions k I hoped that helped a lil bit msg me k

Answer #2

well ok say its you? say you and your boyfriend fight a lot, then when yall fight he goes and flrts with another girl. wouldnt like it would you. dont be a home wreker

Answer #3

You sound like a very selfish girl in my opinion. Its not all about you, and what you want! Just because they “fight”, or he “flirts” with you doesnt mean you have to get in the middle of their relationship. How would you like it if the tables were turned and some girl your boyfriend flirted with wanted to break you two up…I’m sure you wouldnt like it one bit, so have some compassion, and just because a guy flirts with you, doesnt mean he wants to date you! I think you are reading way to much into something because YOU want him! Theres no sign thats saying he wants you.

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