Are these drawings good for a thirteen year old?

I made all of them on facebook. Do you think they’re good?

Oh, and for the first two, I didn’t use a tablet.

Answer #1

I like the colorful roses and the butterfly.They’re amazing!!!

Answer #2

And this is the last one, which for some reason took me a while to draw:

Ignore the things that say “Toni” on them. They aren’t supposed to be a part of the drawing. :_

Answer #3

I like the butterfly & flower ones the best personally.

Answer #4

And another one:

Answer #5

And another one:

Answer #6

I rated the flower one high on your page earlier.


Answer #7

Yeah there nice but did you draw them or do them on computer

Answer #8

there great I like the flower and the butterfly

Answer #9

Okay, here’s the drawings then. :)

Answer #10

This one is one of my favorites:

Answer #11

I’m sorry, but you are not allowed to post links to facebook. However, I would love to look at the drawings.

See if you can add them to your Funadvice profile.


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