Why would dads want to leave their kids?

I dont understand.

my boyfriends dad left him when he was 4 years old…

why would anyone want to leave somthing they helped bring into the world?

the only reason I can think of, is they werent ready for a kid.

and my boyfriend has promised me a million times that he would never leave me with his kids, because he will never be like his dad.

and he cried last night when he was watching fresh prince, because it was the episode when his dad left again… and he said he cried because he can relate.

and he never shows any other emotion but love for me… so if a TV show can make him cry… it must really hurt.

also. last saturday, I was digging thru his Misc. box, and I pulled out a portrait of him and his dad when he was just a baby… and I guess he didnt want me to look at it… because he gently took it out of my hands and hid it underneath a stuffed animal…

and his dad looks happy, why would anyone want to leave? because im the only one out of my friends whose parents are still together.

I would tell the story of how is dad left… but.. I dont know if my boyfriend is comfortable with me talking about it..

all I will say is that he left in the middle of the night, and my boyfriend woke up. and was looking all over for him. and couldnt find him. and didnt hear from him for a long time…

why would anyone do somthing so painful?

Answer #1

because some people dont care they dont care about kids, if they grow up or not, they might not care about the mum anymore, so leave them he could be an abusive kind of guy who drinks a lot does drugs maybe theres really so many reasons why a dad can leave the kid/family

Answer #2

its just sometimes they are overwhelmed wit everythin and they cant take it and sometimes they are sick of their family and they need a change or they just dont care

Answer #3

Sometimes people just feel trapped, and feel like they need to leave. Humans have faults. It’s up to your boyfriend to be the bigger person and not make the same mistakes his father did.

Answer #4

My dad would never leave me, but I have a friend who has never met her dad and she is 15! It turns out that her dad was having another life and kids with some other woman when he was with her mom! He has had one night stands and everything! Don’t even ask how many times he has cheated on somebody!

 But when somebody is pregnant, she is not just pregnant, the entire family is pregnant!
Answer #5

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!       Some men, because of their own upbringing environment just don’t know how to be dads. It isn’t as biologically ingrained in men as it is in women, with men it is more a learned condition.

Answer #6

…a lot of reasons.

  • some guys think the kid might not be theirs
  • some guys just feel trapped
  • some guys just can’t take being with the mom anymore
  • some guys fall in love with someone else
  • some guys just don’t care

…but your boyfriend is expressing the kinds of emotions that indicate he will not follow in his dad’s footsteps

Answer #7

one thing I cant simply understand

Answer #8

not all dads do, I had a great dad and that wouldn’t have even been the last thing on his mind

Answer #9

My husband has 2 children to his ex wife that he gave up to her new husband. NOT BECAUSE HE DIDN’T WANT THEM. Both of the boys have emotional problems and behavioral problems and he talked to a therapist and decided that they would benefit from a more stable life.

My husband’s ex wife also decided that she didn’t want her boys to know their father. For 6 years she called him constantly to take the boys (saying she couldn’t handle them anymore). Lots of weekend and weekday plans go ruined for us because my husband would ALWAYS take them when she called. Then one day she got married and after that my husband had to take her to court everytime he wanted to see them. Even then he still did not see the boys, she would always make sure they were not home when he would go to pick them up. That’s why he decided to give them up for adoption to their new stepfather. Not because he didn’t love them or couldn’t take care of them (child support =$1500. a month, which left us with about $1500. also a month…for my husband, myself and 3 young kids. And this lasted for 6 years.) , but because he was in pain everyday from not knowing if he would see them again. He couldn’t live like that and he didn’t want them to live like that. So he decided to do what he thought was best for him (and the boys).

He still sends them birthday cards, christmas cards, and any other occasion he can come up with. He also sends them pictures of himself and my 3 children (their half siblings). He wants them someday to know that he did this for them, NOT because he was a selfish father, but because he was a selfless father.

Answer #10

Beacause some guys((like mi “father”)) just aren’t man enough to take on that responsibility…my father left when I was born and my mom was 15yrs old,and a single mother to me and mi twin brother!!! My mom thought she ok we my father and ofcourse and he turned out to be an A* and a dck head and all he cared about was getting between a girls legs!! Guys like that sicken mi and it just makes mi even more happy that mi mom was strong,and had the strength to be the mother and father to me and mi brother!! It was tough for us and we went threw a lot of s*it growin up but you no what that’s what makes mi who I am and if there was ever a day that my “father” tried coming back to be the man that he shudda been 15yrs ago when mi mom was struggling then I would beat the crap outta him…No child deserves to grew threw that and all I no is when I have a baby((which is years from now)) its going to be with some one who I no will be a great father!!! Soo yea btw sry for the long lecture or what ever but this subject tends to get mi worked up soo yea…

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