Why is pot illegal while aspirin is legal?

teal me this if I told you to smoke a pound of pot the only thing that wood happen is you wood fall asleep but if I told you to take a hole bottle of Aspirin I beat you that it will be your last headache you will ever have again. now understand I do not mean go and do it that is you own will

Answer #1

It appears pot heavily-influenced your question…life is full of choices - all choices (smart or bad) have consequences - please make smart choices - your future depends on it.

Answer #2

pot is still illegal because we have yet to realize that we are being controlled by a body of people that lack the intelligence to realize it is a plant that is far less dangerous then alcohol,ciggerettes for that matter you have a higher chance of death from mc donalds food then smoking a joint daily. Personally the economy would suffer people would stop taking all these man-made drugs that obviously dont work and smoke a flower that has 100s of uses, it is a medicine Im terminally ill and take a lot of prescribed drugs and have never found anything to better deal with my health issues then a small simple flower which some havent the knowlege or wisdom to even discuss…simply put : the goverment owns drug manufacture companys the legalization of a plant that god gave us would hurt there pocketbook because everyone would have a plant or 2 growing and say screw the meds…only people of a low inteligence would believe that its harmful… Peace!

Answer #3

uhm because anything is dangerous in large sums (yes even water can poison you), usually people who take more then the required amount of asprin are suicidal, or “took it by accident”, or are small children who got into it…So your point isn’t logical.

Weed has no real benefits unless your actually clinically ill, and does infact impair your judgement. Only pot heads and “cool” people try to make drugs seem harmless.

Either learn how to live with your brain cells, or learn how to be sneaky like every other pothead and suck it up. It will take a lot for pot to be legal in the states, Move somewhere it is legal if its so precious to you. Do you really think majority of people who smoke pot would if it was legal for most people its part of the thrill

Answer #4

THATS THE DEAD TRUTH…nice one diedeadenough.. :)

Answer #5

Actually the largest anti-legalization- of-marijuana lobby is the cotton industry. Your question is better compared to alcohol or cigarettes, but the answer is the same. This country has deep roots in the cotton industry and that industry is not about to give in to a “happy plant” that can be eaten or made into better longer lasting clothing when they know that a t-shirt will give out in a year or two where as hemp will last about 5-6 if not more.

Answer #6

Here is a website with great information about aspirin; http://www.femhealth.com/BenefitsofAspirin.html

However, marijuana, still remains the topic for debate. A “study” on any substance, whether it be legal or not, takes years to complete before accurate facts can be documented. Pot remains to be in the never-ending studying phase. If you search for effects of marijuana, you will get the pros and cons. Some say the drug is great, others say it is quite harmful. It hasbeen proven there are some medicinal values of using marijuana, however, it still remains that pot damages and kills brain cells over a persiod of time. Some will say pot is a gateway drug to other illegal drugs. Loyal pot-heads will tell you this is far from the truth. You will also find “professionals” telling the world long-term use of marijuana will cause your reactions to be slowed and a loss of the ability to respond to the even the easiest of questions. Those professionals say over time, you become “stupider”. But, some will of course, disagree and having been a long-time smoker, say they have become “smarter” or the degree of their intelligence has remained the same. You do the research and decide.

The documented facts about aspirin are undisputed and the benefits of taking aspiring are far greater than the risks of it doing harm. Aspirin is having continued discoveries of even more diseases and conditions it might prevent.

Your question does not make sense to me, it appears when you were typing your question, you were certainly under the influence of someting illegal. Or maybe you are just not that smart.

So, let me “teal” you something and you can “beat” I know what I am talking about. If you are not smoking pot already, don’t start. If you are, please stop. You need all the brain power you have and you should concentrate on improving it.

Answer #7

In cases such as glaucoma, marijuana can be prescribed by a physician or you can have authorization to grow it for medicinal purposes.

Answer #8

do you realize marijuana would solve people’s insomnia? my friend who could not fall asleep to 4 am ,earliest, started to smoke pot and would burn out and it really just solved her insomnia.

and going along with the topic, i agree. you can buy benedryl right off the super market shelf and get pretty messed up on it, but pot is illegal? whats the difference except the fact that you can overdose and die from on the shelf drugs and you cannot over dose on weed.

Answer #10

I think if someone wants to post a topic in the “politics” section of this site, they should learn how to spell the word “would.” Anyway, contrary to popular belief, reefer is pretty bad for you. Maybe you should do a little research as well as learn to spell before you post a topic like this one.

Answer #11

Pain killer Vs. Narcotic

you do the math

Answer #12

its all due to “bad journalism”

Answer #13

a better comparison…

Why is pot illegal when booze is not??


Answer #14

If marijuana was legalized we would have some heavy economical problems

Answer #15

it’s because the government hasn’t found a way to tax weed yet.

Answer #16

cause bush is president

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