Who can tell me why there IS such a thing as an emo/scene poser?

Ok, I was getting into a discussion on someone elses question (which is why I moved it and made my own about it). Why must people bother with calling others “posers”? Im starting to wonder if there really is such a thing!! Is there any law that says someone cant dress how they want?

For those of us who take “posers” offensively: Can’t we think about it as a compliment that someone would like your style so much as to want to be like you??? =(

Here’s the beginning of the discussion cut from the first question:

ilovetiffyx3: When I put on top eyeliner I look to emo

stephanieshoee: Emo is a state of mind. NOT a style. So there really is no way to LOOK emo

Me: Hi(= Well, I think Emo can be both a fashion statement AND a state of mind. Why not? Not like it’s a law!

hispanicgirl: I agree. eMO Is NOT a form of fashion its a way of life. trying to Look emo, and not actualy being one, that just plain Poser -.- but w/e.

Me: Even a poser looks like someone. How can emo NOT have a look/style? If it didn’t then just WHO exactly are you saying that that poser is copying? No one? If not, then YOU shouldn’t be calling that person a poser because apperantly you can’t copy a style that doesnt exist now can you!

Come on now. Lets be realistic, it’s both. YOU yourself don’t have to be BOTH, some people are and some arent.

Answer #1

I agree with you. A real poser in my opinion is someone who dresses a certain way to fit in and not because they really want to. Now THAT’S a poser. But if you’re dressing how you like then I don’t see how that’s being a poser. I mean people act like you’re born with the emo scene hair and the clothes but really, you develop it over time. And getting inspiration from a certain person doesn’t make you a poser either. To me emo can be a style of music, a style of mind, and a style of clothing. I think it can be any of that. And people act like it’s such a bad thing to change your style and get inspiration from other people. I think people are always just looking for a thing to criticize. Dressing how you like doesn’t make you a poser. Simple as that and it annoys the hell out of me when people make such a huge deal about it

Answer #2

being “emo” is everything jaz said for example: in my school there are certain girls who you can tell try to hard to be emo, or dress a certain way.. I dislike girls who tell others they cut themselves, in my opinion I feel like they want pity, or attention.. posers on the other hand are copy cats, or followers, they try to be something they are not..

Answer #3

Although many people may pretend to fit in, some people do it bcus it makes them feel normal or pretty. I was just raised goth from my parents, and being scene made me feel pretty, confident, and unique. Even though I’m not always scene, when I do dress scene I do it for me. Where I live, everyone is conservative and loves abercrombie (not that it’s bad)

Answer #4

I’d define poseur as someone who fakes it to fit in, when they only take interest because their friends do.. Which I do see a lot of, but yes they still fit under ‘emo’ categories.

Answer #5

I don’t agree wit da girl above me. there is sooo many ways you cn b emo. yes state of mind is one. bt theres also emotional, STYLE (like mine for ex.), cutting, etc. so there really isnt a way you cn b a poser

Answer #6

Yes posers do exists, Emo is a type of MUSIC, not style. Over dramatic wanna be harda$$es want to make it into a style to stand out.

Answer #7

emo is a style, its a music, a sterotype, a way of life/state of mind for SOME people AND obviously a style posers do exist a poser is defined as soemone prentending to be something their not though this could relate to pretty much every single child and teenager who is part of a sterotype because more often than not, they grow out of them when they mature and grow up its usually defined as someone who is ONLY part of that sterotype to be cool and fit in with everyone else who is also part of that sterotype, then obvioudly when all the kids and teen move onto the next sterotype, they do to because they “‘have”‘ to be cool and fit in. so there not changing for them, their changing for other people

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