When should I contact her as we broke up yesterday?

A girl I been speaking to for about 3 months and dating about 6 weeks. Recently my girl broke up with me, because I was checking out girls online, this was a few weeks before we were serious meaning sleeping together. Nothing intentional like just looking at them. But she got angry and broke up with me, and ignored me for a few days. Then told me she lost all her feelings as soon as she found out. I told her it was not like that, but she said you wouldve cheated. As a few days past I went to her house and no one was there I left her a poem and her favourite cd. She messaged me later that day sayin thanks for the gift and it made her realise that I cared for her more than I thought. And she said that it surprised her but she said stil that she not going to move on just like that and got used to me in her life and cant get back with me, but forgives me for my snooping on them girls, but dont feel she can trust me as a boyfriend again. And she said that I will probably forget her but she said but its none of her concern, and that her feelings have gone. but she says that I was special to her, and that, she don’t resent me and don’t regret it. I said I cant be friends because I have romantic feelings for you and said its better if we avoid each other for a while. She said you’ll be better off when I’m out of your life completely, and I promise you will get over me sooner than you probably imagine. I hope everything goes great for you :] goodbye x

I said goodbye and logged offline on msn. She went and checked my profile after that straightaway on this penpal thing, so I know she was looking at me on that. Im 21 and she is 17. Tell me shall I contact her because I never really pleaded for her to be with me, or should I do that? I really miss her

Answer #1

thanks I dont want to let go of the memories. I will wait for a week and then contact her, peanu butter how long has it been? have you got over it and did he contact you ? thanks for the advice everyone. I feel a bit empty but a bit better :)

Answer #2

I agree with forever49, if she doesn’t contact you try once more and if it’s a no then too bad. I hope you learned not to check out other girls.

Answer #3

30 days of no contact is usually best. if she cares, she will probably contact you before then.

Answer #4

well wait a while and see how it goes. she may contact you sooner then you think. see how your feelings are in a month or two , they could get stronger or just fade away. I would give it a month or two and then contact her. only time will tell. a tip dont contact her too much as this will make the situation worse.

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