What would make the best pet?

my dad lettin me get a pet should I got a dog or cat I was thinking a cat cause there soo cute but which is more work which is better?

Answer #1

well my opion isent everyone eleses and going off the rails of cats and dogs but I would chose a corn snake if you like them and handling theyer food witch is defrosted mice with snake there not much you have to do just feed them once to twice a week fresh water every day spot clean every month and fully clean every six months and corn snakes dont often bite if handled every day from hatchling and as they get older and bigger they dont need much attenion witch I found out and now I trust my corn snakes enogth to go around my neck and go nose to nose with them and not once have I been bit since hatchling but even then when they bite us it hurts them more than it would ever hurt us because theyer teeth breake but dont b alarmed as theyer teeth grow back with in the next shed of skin but snakes are the best and most intresting pet you can have and if you are a female they even come in pink just ask for a snow corn

Answer #2

I don’t know but, Here are the bad things about both animals. Cats; You WILL smell their poo in their litter box and it DOESN’T smell good. And you have to clean out their litterbox a lot! Cats, In general are LOUD. And they SCRATCH a lot! Sometimes, instead of eliminating in their litterbox they do it on the wall instead. They aren’t easy to train.And if you HAVE to give it a bath, well… Good luck with that.

Dogs; They NEED exercise, they NEED companionship. You have to get up and take them outside for them to use the bathroom, And if you take it on walks you have to clean up their feicies. They bark, a lot! Well depending on what breed. Training dogs aren’t that hard. And you have to bathe your dog.



Answer #3

Cats are far more easier than dogs. You will love them both, but to be honest dogs love humans more than cats. also, you can take dogs wherever you go. I have a cat and my sister has a little maltese dog, my cat is like my best friend I love him so much, but he is out most of the day. my sister can spend more time with her dog as she is always with us all the time. also shes just a puppy so we take her everywhere we go.

it depends on how committed you are. obviously with both pets you will need to get them fixed and pay for annual flea and worm treatments and buy food (which im guessing your parents will pay for), but with a dog, there is extra costs of collar and lead, dog training (you really have to do at least a beginner class if you have a small dog. if you get a big dog then I recommend going up to the highest class, which will take a while, but you really need to train big dogs very well because they can be dangerous). you also need to register dogs and pay annually to own one, whereas cats you don’t have to register.

you have to be very committed to own a dog. they need walking everyday and training to sit, roll, lie, wait etc. you really have to train them, it teaches them that you are the boss.

cats are fairly easy to house train, whereas dogs can sometimes be easy, but little dogs are very stubborn.

Answer #4

personally I would get a dog because there more playfull and I grew up with cats so I am sick of them because they crap to much so if want a cat keep them outside because trust me you do not want to deal with litter boxes and amagine a friend is at your house then all the sudden you start smellin cat crap in the air of your home beause the cat just did its bizness

Answer #5

you still need to take care and clean up an outdoor cat who can eaisly come back in the house with flease or other pronblems and will still crap and pee in your house if its not litterbox trained also cats being outside all the time isnt very good they kill small animals (and can bring them ack in your house) and can go and mate with ther cats, get in fights, ect plus you have to clean up its crap in your yard as well

both a cat and a dog are a huge responsibility you have to feed them, take care of them AND clean up after them

Answer #6

well it depends on the kinda person you are

RELAXED= cat RUNNER=dog but the size is all different like if you have a big house and a lot of free time get a big dog if you live in a small house and are busy a lot get somthing small

Answer #7

Dogs are far more time consuming than kitties…they have to have exercise, and a lot more training…

Be honest with yourself when you choose…about how much time you’re willing to commit to having a pet.


Answer #8

a cat is super easy. you just feed it and give it attention, and you don’t have to clean up its mess if it’s an outdoor cat. My cat is an indoor/outdoor cat and I have never seen her use the bathroom for 3 years, hahaha.

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