what is this therory called stated by Albert Einstein?

‘’If we were to use 100 percent of our brains, we be pure energy?’’’ Albert Einstein the quote states something like that!

Answer #1

“we are the Bicyclists, transitional stage between man and pure energy” (Monkey dust)

just asossiation. I suppose that it is possible. for thousands years people thought it’s imposible to speak to a man from other continent sitting in your room, and now almost everyone has a cellphone. but also I think it’s almost useless, because if everyone is 100% cool it would be not interesting to improve yourself.all in all forget reading Einstein and “bodybuilding” your brain. begin with biceps)))

Answer #2

I think it’s possible, and one day we will reach this. We’ll talk without words and we’ll be able to memorize the whole public library! may be even learn to fly. we will get used to use 100% and it will not hurt us anyway. Evolution!

Answer #3

I think it could be allowed only in science fiction. So in fact it appears a rithorical questoion if a man need to use the whole brain?

Answer #4

I know we use 3% of our brains.. Even geniuses use about 9% of brains… And I cant imagine what would be with us!

Answer #5

100 % of our brain is too much for us to use. If we could do it we would all become geniuses. It is impossible!

Answer #6

We will be able to to solve the Einsteins riddle within 15 minutes

Answer #7

I’ve heard that people can use only 5% of their brains. There are areas for each of our senses, memory, conscious thought, instinctual reactions, etc. It’s practucally impossible to use 100% of it. It’s the opinion of modern scientists.

Answer #8

Albert Einstein couldn’t say such a nonsense!Because it had been proved experimentaly long ago that a person uses only 5% of he’s brain!And to use all the parts of brain is impossible.

Answer #9

Reasonable… but a man needs to believe in a superman, Dr. Manhattan from the Watchmen or what not)Furthermore, If you bust the myth of 100%-working brain, how will Shaolin monks earn their living?

Answer #10

Einstein never said that. In fact, no respectable scientist would ever suggest we only use a small percentage of our brains, because that notion is a complete myth.

Somewhere along the way, someone mentioned that at ANY ONE TIME, we might only be using 10% of our brains to keep our organs pumping along and our heart pumping, and that got picked up and repeated and misquoted until we were left with the urban legend that 90% of our brain goes unused. It simply isn’t true.

Nor would it make any sense. Consider, the brain uses up to 20-30% of all the energy we consume in order to keep running. Why would any creature evolve that was so inefficient as to waste all that energy on a 90% useless organ?

There’s a great article about this myth here: http://www.dbskeptic.com/2008/06/04/the-ten-percent-of-the-brain-myth-a-fractional-truth/

…but as far as Einstein is concerned, respect the poor guy’s mouldering bones and leave him out of it.

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