Story ideas, much like Twilight?

has anyone got any good ideas for a story?? like a romance, with a twist with some action thrown in!!??

if anyone has eva read twilight by steph meyer! you know what I mean!!!

please HELP!!! thanxs

Answer #1

A princess locked inside of her home because they refuse to let her out. The family has suffered a loss of a child and they don’t want to lose another one so they keep her locked in. The princess is sad and she wants to be able to go outside and speak to those of her own age. So she runs away. Then the kingdom sends people to go and search for her. Then in comes a guard(whatever you may name him), he goes to search for the princess. But no luck, they haven’t found her after 11 years. And now she is 21. Then the guard finally finds her in a far far away place. And then goes the adventure to get back to the kingdom and make her the new heirress. But along the way(with obstacles of course), the man falls in love with her and doesn’t know whether to turn her in and destroy the way of life that brought her happiness, or not. Yet in the end her returns her to the kingdom, and before they place the crown on her head and name her the queen. He barges in and tells her he loves her. Then is placed in jail for disturbance. But the princess finally stands up for herself and speaks from her heart. Thus releasing her from her queen duties, so that she can live happily with the man she loves.

Well I came up with this story about 2 years ago. And it’s begun to bore me. You can use it if you’d like. This was a quick summary of what I was trying to describe but if you want more info then comment me on my page.

Answer #2

here are my list of books that are like twilight that are good =)

house of night series are good by p.c cast and kristen cast

the night world series by L.J smith there like three stories in one it really good!

everinght by clauda gray ( second book stargazer)

vampire academy by rachel mead is really really good!

vampire kisses by ellen schieber

blood and chocolate by anttette curtis clause really good also by her silver kiss

boys that bite by marianne mancusi

some girls bite by chloe neill

bitten and smitten by michelle rowen

evermore by alyson noel

sucks to be me by kimberly pauley

the famous dracula

thats all I can think of right I hope you like ‘em

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