Would this story concept offend you?

Fo English I have to write a story based on the Romeo and Juliet concept so I thought I’d use my RE work from the Holocaust too to create like the ultimate forbidden, impossible love concept for a N@zi-Jew love. I’ve read some stuff that this sometimes happened, very very rarely. I’ve tried to make it convincing by giving the N@zi no choice in joining up and he’s also very naive but I wondered if anyone would be offened by this concept.

It’s not meant to be realistic so anything could happen. I just wanted to know if it was kind too dark to go there. Hmm :/

Answer #1

i think thats a good idea.. but thats my opinion and im not Jewish.

Answer #2

Stories shouldn’t offend anybody - they’re just stories. Besides, it’s your personal work, just show the best you can :)

Answer #3

Thanks, I was just wondering i it would be too ridiculous or even offensive for some people. Just checking :)

Answer #4

Bottom line is it might offend a few or some people but the way I see it is if they can’t handle it they shouldn’t read it. You shouldn’t really care what people think, just do your best work.

Answer #5

i think it is a good idea as well

Answer #6

It is a great idea. Creativity is all about doing your own thing and going somewhere that other people might not have been. If anyone takes offence you can explain your reasons and it is actually something that could help raise awareness about something with great historical importance, so you could mention that.

A lot of art/ literature has the potential to offend, but that is no reason not to go down whichever route you please. As long as you as the author have an open mind and are not prejudiced in the way you write, then there should be no harm in it and you could create something great. Make sure you know your facts about the time fully before you write too. I think it sounds a very interesting concept and fits well with the theme of your assignment so go for it.

Answer #7

How could this possibly offend anyone? If so they need to get over thereself. Hey if you want some inspiration, watch The Pianist that’s a great Holocost movie.

Answer #8

It takes big, I mean huge guts to write something different. you go for it ans see the result. No one should get offended. If they do, they should not read further or simply write what they think is right.

Answer #9

I really don’t think so. Personally, I think it would make for a very interesting story.

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