How to get your parents trust back?

how do you get your parents trust back when they already hate you?

Answer #1

This is a loaded question. In short my answer to you is this, if you know anything about honesty, integrity and doing the right thing, then you start there. Now, if this is a case of past indiscretions that were rather monumental, well… then it takes time to regain trust … from anybody for that matter. Try talking to your parents about how you feel, how they feel. Ask em if they ‘dislike’ you. You know how your parents communicate. Try talking to them. Also spend some time thinking about the things your parents have taught you over the years. Whether or not you agree with them right now is irrelevant. If you live in their home, you must abide their rules. You can try to forge a ‘mature’ relationship with them by showing them you are interested in having their trust. In the rare case that they truly ‘dislike’ you, well you still have an obligation to honor your parents. Try discussing your situation with a trusted leader, pastor, teacher, or friend. I have been where you are. Its an interesting place to be. Not many people would believe it. Im an adult now and the memories of those feelings are still very real. Hope I helped.

Answer #2

I am a mom of 4, with the oldest being 15…and I cant imagine any parent actually hating their child! becomming an adult is a difficult process for both you and your parents! try sitting down with them and talking with them about wanting to regain their trust. DO NOT BE DEFENSIVE! it will only work against you. instead tell them you know you have broken their trust in the past. let them know you really want to prove to them that you are trust worthy once again. be prepared for them to go down a list of offenses you may have commited…but try to remain calm and acknowledge that you have broken the rules…dont offer excuses, just tell them you want to put them in the past and learn from them. if you can remain calm and not give excuses you are showing real promise and a adult-like attitude. hopefully you all can come up with a plan for you to gain that trust back…it will take time! but once you begin the process, dont go back on your word…stay trust worthy! this plan of action will only be effective once…if you continue to break their trust and come back with the same plea, you will seem manipulative, not sincere! good luck!

Answer #3

I’m sure they don’t HATE you. And trust is something that needs to be gained, you need to do things to show them that they can trust you. Its something that needs to be earned.

Answer #4

Dear lunchbox, Your parents don’t hate you they don’t trust you…these are two different things. You have done something that has hurt them terribly and they are unsure of how to deal with it. How do long do they give you to gain their trust, how should they make sure you don’t do it again, how do they treat you with such hurt…parents tend to blame themselves and this causes guilt, hurt and frustration. So they shut down or they become overly sensitive to everything. Stop thinking they hate you and start thinking about how you will change your behaviours so it doesn’t happen again. Open up communication with them about ways they can help you change and even write up a contract with rules and conditions. Sue…good luck

Answer #5

I highly doubt that your parents hate you, they may be upset or disappointed…but they dont hate you. to get their trust back you have to earn takes time, but follow through on the things you say you will do, You can ask them to tell you what you can do to help prove that you are trustworthy..and then do those things, but follow through on them. just remember that trust is earned..and it doesnt happen over night so dont get frustrated if it takes time. then when you are about to make a choice that could affect that trust..think of how hard you worked to earn it…and how easy it lose it. Good luck

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