Tried to dye my hair brown, it turned black

Yesterday I dyed my hair “Brown” but it turned out black , YIKES! I didnt go to school today because of it, it makes my skin look so pale and I hate it! so today we went to get some different hair dye meant for dark hair and I want to make it way lighter should I leave the dye in longer? would it make it lighter or darker?

Answer #1

yes. go to a salon. if its black… uh oh not good. it takes a lot to take out the black color out of your hair. you have to stip the pigment out to make it lighter. I’ve had a bad hair experience and I just wore a cute hat to work and went to get it fixed.

Answer #2

the new dye probably wouldn’t do anything. lightning black hair isn’t that easy. I suggest you go to a professional. store bought dyes won’t do much for making dyed-black hair lighter.

Answer #3

If you put colour on colour it will only make it darker so I say go to a salon and ask to have it lightened…If you cant afford to have it lightened try to fade it use anti dandruff shampoos cause they have no colour protection and fade colour quickly in the mean time try putting bronzer or getting a spray tan to darken your skin so you don’t look so pale hope this has been useful good luck!!!

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