How do I put movies from a dvd on my iPod?

I’ve had my ipod for a while and I still dont know how to put movies from a dvd onto it.

Answer #1

ok im going to help you out, ipods use MP4 file extensions, and where you want them from a DVD you have to RIP them from the dvd, if you are using a windows PC which I assume you are, then you want to use windows media player to rip it, or you can used a third party program like magic dvd ripper or something like that, now after you get the movie ripped from the dvd your going to want to put in it the MP4 file format, because when you rip it its going to be in AVI or MPG or Mpeg for mat now to get it to MP4 you need to download videora just gogle it cause it will format it into mp4 but also at the same time it will put it into the right screen size for your ipod and you can name it whatever you want. if you need more help message me, always here to help.

Answer #2

Most DVDs nowadays have the anti-piracy thing on them and you can’t even upload it to your computer…

Answer #3

thannnkkk uuu ^_^

Answer #4

oh ohk do you know how to mp4 format it?

Answer #5

They have To Be MP4 Formatted.

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