I want a job but can't find one

I am turning 16 on May 29th and I live in Newton. It’s soooooo difficult to find a job here. And I really want a nice job during for the spring and during the summer, and if I like it…so forth. But I can’t seem to find one. Do you know any good places I can look for a job? I’m very good with kids, I love animals, I do extremely well with people, and I am a REALLY quick learner. Any websites, newspapers, magazines, phone numbers, advice. Anything would be great right about now. thanx :)

Answer #1

It’s hard to get a job you’ll “like” at your age. Child labor laws usually come into account if you’re under 18. Try large chains. Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Footlocker, Claires pretty much anyplace. Go to the mall and pick up applications from any store that is hiring.

Answer #2

Try www.monster.com or www.careerbuilder.com I got my recent job from there…it works

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