how do you turn on your friend with benifits if she wont let finger

ok..I have a friend with benifits…but she doesnt want me to finger her…how do I turn her on?

Answer #1

He sed frends with benifits which means there frends but they do stuff with/to each other sexually…well if she doesnt want to b fingered then its fer a reason she prbly just doesnt feel comfy with that! I don’t know you cud kiss her neck and down to her tummy around that area if your very determined to get in her pants but if she doesnt want to then you shud respect that..

Answer #2

why would you ask if she is your friend?

Answer #3

well if shes your friend then why would you finger her? if you were her boyfriend then that would make since but other than that you can turn a girl on by kissing and telling her that you want to go to the movies and then after wards go to her house and “hang-for-awhile” that might help.

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