How best to redistribute or not to (your thoughts)

communism says it wants to redistribute the wealth at the same time says no one will own anything except the government owns all so inconclusion no one got anything only the government. I really dont see the difference that 1% owned a lot of the means to production now its in the government hands which is basiclly represents 1% who control the means of production.

So basicly its just a centralization of money instead of redistribution

Heres the questions

Do you think redistribution through government is best?

Do you think redistribution can be done without government?

My thoughts redistribution should be a punishment not a ultimate goal. What I mean is if a rich person has abused his workers and underpayed below livible wages and done illegal acts or just illegal stuff.That rich persons money should be redistributed to the poor and the workers and he should be thrown in prison for his illegal doings.

Is the paragraph above this question is that a better way to redistribute?

Then the last question whats your thoughts on redistribution

Answer #1

Redistribution has been shown historically to result in societies hardly anyone actually want to live in. It sounds good until you see the results.

The result is, that in order to enforce it, a heavy handed authoritative regime is required. And what do you know? Once they have power, they kind of quit caring much about redistribution, except to the extent they are redistributing to themselves.

Answer #2

I agree with your point of view on redistributing. these days, the government is all in favor of those who have a lot of money. every member in Congress, if you look at it that way, has a HUGE sum of money. seems to me, that they have forgotten about the common American person; the small business owner, the father or mother supporting a family, the college graduate trying to start a new life of their own. it may sound like I’m quoting someone, but: what happened to the American Dream?
I think that’s how our economy got in the shape it’s in: the government not being fair with the distribution of wealth. it’s gotten out of hand.

Answer #3

It is rather hard to come up with a utopian scheme that would actually work.

Currently in the US the top 1% controls almost half of all wealth and more than the bottom 90%. The trend of more and more wealth concentrating among fewer and fewer people shows no sign of slowing.

I don’t see any scenario where where the wealthy voluntarily give up any of their wealth. If they thought that way than they probably wouldn’t be wealthy in the first place.

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