how bad do dimple piercings hurt or monroe which 1 is cuter ?

like how bad does it hurt to get both of your dimples pierced? or what about a monroe piercing? and which one is cuter?? and the healing process?!

Answer #1

Lol sorry

Answer #2

in my opinion, dimple piercings on a 13-14 year old kid would look disgusting and I doubt a profesional piercer will even do it, even if you had parental consent a monroe would obviously look cuter, and more socially acceptable but at 13-14, you dont need it you should wait a few years because you have no idea how it will affect your chnaces of getting a job and how it can affect school if they have a dress code (they wont allow it) if you must go out and get one, you will need parental consent to get it (a parent with I.D to proove there your parent) and out of the two, get the monroe and if your parents wont consent and dont approve, wait untill your older

Answer #3

haha im 16 but thankss everyone I think ill get my monroe donee

Answer #4

I think monroe’s are cuter. I hear they hurt less too

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