Does Water Pills Get You A Clean Drug Test?

I Smoked weed like a week ago and now im going thru this hiring process for a job at the bank… I’ve drank a lot of water and I wanna know if I take a water pills will that aid me in my efforts to dilute this kush(weed for dumbasses) out my system?

Answer #1

Can someone Answer My ? … I got these water pills 4 like 6$ there called Natural Water Pills and they are the 1 day formula … if I smoke weed how long will it take 2 get the weed out my system by taking the pill and will my probation officer b able 2 tell I’ve been taking water pills ??? if so how long will it take 2 get the pill out my urine

Answer #2

yeah that will help or if you have 40 bucks you can get a bottle of detox from like any drug store

Answer #3

It’ll help…try to get the cranberry pills..those really work!

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