Did you know the Nepal monarchy was abolished today?

I just read about it in the news…my father in law actually met the former king of Nepal, before he was assassinated in a Shakespearean esque tragedy that left only the king’s brother & young member of the royal family alive about five years ago.

Now, the survivor of that apparent coup de tat has 15 days left to vacate the palace, as they have been declared a republic by the insurgents…I’m happy to hear that it might move toward democracy, but it’s a large country, and I’m not positive the removal of the monarchy will really help the average Nepalese person. What are your thoughts?

Answer #1

I’m also skeptical the average Nepalese person will really experience democracy and equal rights as a result of this regime change. The country has had a lot of trouble in these areas. They just abolished slavery in 1924, and they’ve never really had truly fair elections. Plus, as you point out, this was a bloody regime change, not a peaceful one. The country’s basically been in civil war.

Since Nepal seems to be styling its democracy after the parliamentary ones, success will depend on how willing the parties are to build coalitions and share power. There’s a serious brain drain, and overall migration of labor happening in Nepal right now, and that has to be a top priority. Hopefully, the Maoists will be interested more in the plight of the people than in being a puppet for the Chinese government.

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