Compelling Reasion To Buy A New Digital Camera?

Is there a compelling reasion to buy a new digital camera? My old one is the size of a 35 mm camera and I’m thinking one of the credit card size digital cameras would be a much more useful one, but not sure if it’s really worth the money. Any thoughts?

Answer #1

It really depends on what you need the camera for. If the size actually bothers you, and you would benefit from something smaller, then go for it. But if it’s just because now the fashion is credit-card cameras, and if yours is good enough as it is, then I don’t see why you should spend all that money… Is it just size that you’re debating? Is there anything else in the smaller/newer cameras that might be better? Like resolution, settings and functions, etc. - if there’s something in the quality of the camera that you want and that’s better in the new ones, then it’s worth it. Size doesn’t matter :P

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