What is the cheapest, most efficient, and effective legal way to create a will?

My wife and I have been talking about doing so, but keep putting it off. Life insurance on each other ect is already in place as long as we pay the premiums, but we should get the rest taken care of for others too just in case. We aren’t getting any younger.

Answer #1

It’s perfectly legal for you to write up your own will - there are many computer programs you can purchase that can help guide you through that process such as Quicken WillMaker Plus 2012: http://funadvice.com/r/budnh7c6i1a or Suze Orman Will & Trust Kit http://funadvice.com/r/3qc2d66f18, or you can follow a simple guide such as the one on this site: http://funadvice.com/r/167oo3u0nmn You will still need to have the document notarized, but these methods are, by far, cheaper than paying a lawyer to draft a will for you.

Answer #2

Thanks so much. I know the hourly rate of lawyers and it must be avoided!! :)

Answer #3

Excellent question Onemandog …Kudos for posting the thread !!!!

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