What's something you'd like to change in 2008?

What is something you would like to change this New Year? Happy New Years!! Mine is to just do something right I seem to do things wrong and not mean to…I hurt people with out trying..

Answer #1

the way I act at skool I mean I never talk I don’t know why im jus shy to talk to guyz and I act so immature so that is what I would like to change

Answer #2

to lose 10 pounds ;D

Answer #3

yea I want one thats at least something sad haha I sound kind of mean

Answer #4

hmmm… I want to have a lot more confidence and I very much want to repair the relationship between a lot of my friends. And I want to have a stronger bond with my newest made friends and a stronger bong with my mom and dad.

Answer #5

I know, everyone had really happy replys didn’t they? Lol.

Answer #6

A lot of things. I don’t even know where to start.

Answer #7

oh thats nice :D

Answer #8

haha yeah :D

Answer #9

my life and marriage lol

Answer #10

oh nice

Answer #11

Stop picking myself apart.

Answer #12

I know what you mean though. Lol.

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