Why was it Bill Clinton that brought the reporter's home?

If you didn’t know, two American reporters had been sentenced a few months ago to ten years of labor in North Korea, for stepping across the border there via China. And, after a quick trip by Bill Clinton recently, the two reporters have been freed. Why is it that Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both, are seen as diplomats? One hasn’t been president for more than 8 years…the other for more than 28 years.

Where was Bush? Cheney? All I’ve seen in the news about either is constant spouting of “we’re not safe…”…if that’s the case, where is the threat and why is it that Cheney is the only guy that knows?

I get it, Bill’s wife is now Secretary of State…so, if it was an official visit, it would have been her deal…was that why he was successful? OR do you think the cowboy antics of the last president would make him unfit to be a goodwill ambassador to foreign nations?

Answer #1

If they had sent Dubya to negotiate their release, they might have locked him up too. Come to think of it… maybe we should send him over there.

Answer #2

All I saw on the news lastnight was that Clinton was in contact with the family and working with them.

I don’t care how they got home, I am just so happy they are home

Answer #3

Because Bush neither knows how nor cares to use diplomacy or reason to defuse anything. He proved that time and again during his administration. And Cheney…my lord…he would have made things worse.

Also, I think that Daddy Bush and the republicans told Bush to fade away…

Who better than Bill Clinton…it could not be an official state action…private plane and clinton to the rescue.

Thank goodness this country is once again selecting intelligence, reason and negotiation..

Answer #4

Bush and Cheneys’ belligerence towards N. Korea (‘Axis of Evil’) would make them totally unpalatable to Kim Jong-il. Bush (the son) seems to be rather despised or at least mocked by most of the world right now. (I’m sure that will change after a while.) Most former Presidents command a great deal of international attention, and Kim probably had already decided on releasing the two reporters if he could get some good press for his country. This also MIGHT inject an opening wedge to get talks restarted on the many problems swirling around that small country. :)

Answer #5

This here is a good question.. Most of the former presidents do start doing charity work etc but I havent read or heard Bush doing anything.. Many people did not like him as we all no but dont he think he should be trying to rebuild his reputation or something.. Some people just like to do a lot of complaining then action.. Because complaining isnt going to get him any where people complained when he was president so he should just be doing something constructive in the mean time. This question is a brainstormer lol. It will take some critical thinking time for me at least.

Answer #6

because bill clinton is awesome. Awesome people do awesome things

Answer #7

Probably because they cant make better negoitations then bush or cheney.

Answer #8

The two lady prisoners are employees of Al Gore, so obviously being a fantastic employer, Al Gore sort the help of his mate Bill Clinton to bail the two staff members out from their North Korea cells.

Credit to Mr Clinton for having the power, charisma and influence to help his friend out.

Answer #9

Why would this administration send a Republican??? What if the release was a success?? What would they say…do??? You aren’t going to hear anything good about any Republican for at least 4 years.


Answer #10

phrannie, they made their bed, they need to lie in it. If nothing good is heard about republicans, it will be because they had not done anything good. So far they are acting like a bunch of babies…

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