Is it true that if you get a rat you have to get two or more?

I’m going to get a new baby dumbo rat, but our friend who has a rat company ( said she would only give us rats if we would keep two together because they are very social animals. But I was going to get a rat because i wanted an animal to hold and keep me company in my room and teach tricks n other stuff, and if i got two i don’t think i could give them as much attention as i would an individual one. Is having two a definite must or if i spent a lot of time with my rat (besides being at school and at night when i’m sleeping and the exception of everyday life) would having one rat be okay? I know i have lots of friends with just one rat… Sorry for such the long question. :)

Answer #1

Ummm when I had a rat I only got one and it was fine, had him for 3 yrs

Answer #2

Definately not true. For a lot of animals, if they’ve been together for a while they will get lonely if you separate them but you don’t have to get two, they’ll do just fine as long as you give them attention.

Answer #3

okay thanks! Female or male rat, like which one do you prefer? and I will be getting it as a baby, so it wouldn’t be separated besides being away from it’s mom which would happen even if it was in with another rat.

Answer #4

Well, males smell more than females so personally I’d prefer a female. And as long as it’s not depending on it’s mother anymore it should be fine being by itself, rats are pretty independent animals.

Answer #5

Not true, I have one & she doesn’t even get along with other rats.

Answer #6

okay thanks:) do u prefer males or females?

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