To become a model... Or look like a model...

I’m 14, my height is 168 cm’s I grew 3 cm’s this term, I grow half a cm every 2 months now.. What should my weight be? kg I have a white skin, dark blonde hair, I used to have braces, removed them last month now I have a perfect smile, my eyes are brown with a liiittle bit of blue around the brown part.. can I become a model or look like one? For now I’m a basketball player, lol and I’m sporty, not too girly.. But sometimes I get a weird girly mood.. Lol cheers!

Answer #1

Your weight Should be anywhere from120-149.

To tell you the truth I dont think you have the potential to be a model. A model has beauty & grace you look rough to me. Also your features arent the best.

You dont have to be tall & thin to be a model but you do have to have a pretty face.

Answer #2

Well people keep telling me I’m pretty, that is why I asked this question… Besides, I gained weight, so I do look bad compairing to how I used to be… I’m getting there though, but thanks for being honest :)

Answer #3

Wow, im surprised on how stereotypical this all sounds.

Yes when you think of a model you think grace an elegance and of course beauty. I am a model an I will tell you that its definitely not easy. By looking at your pictures I already know you wont be fit for run way modeling. But If you decide modeling is something you really want to do then for starters you cant have people tell you, your not pretty enough.

Number one tip to all aspiring models: BE CONFIDENT!! Like I said you might not get to strut your stuff on a run way, But anyone can be a model.

Its about art and creativity.

advice to you would be.. look into what type of modeling you would really like to do. Next start practicing your smiling an posing in the mirror you may feel silly doing it. But the more fluent and graceful you are the better your portraits will turn out. Have a friend or family member help take some full body pictures, once you do that you can upload them to a a social site or any kind of networking website you have. then after can have your parents help you find a local photographer who can take professional portraits of you.

all of that info above mainly describes you building a portfolio. once you have that You can search for local modeling agencies in your area that will possibly help you get a contract or modeling gig.

Like I said, because of your are going to need your parents their to give consent to any contract.

hope I could help you out alittle bit..

good luck hun =]

Answer #4

I wanna be a model 2 and I know I can do it I have been asked to model before but im just not old enouqh yet just qo 4 what yer dreem is ;]

Answer #5

To achive the sterotypical model look is constant self maintence and can be expensive and includes the following duties

Constant skin care including: moisterising cleaning ance care and prevention also protection from sun damage, shaving

Diet: a lot of the times models become vegitarian which does keep them looking clean light and fresh, maintianing a good diet affects skin hair muscles and many other factors ( taking vitamins is very helpful)

Exercise: jogging and all around phycisical fittness to keep the body looking firm and slender

Its a huge chore but we do it cause we love it…

The Guru

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