Please help I really think he likes me but he says othwise,,,

K so there is this boy I like at school and he is so cute. P.s. A lot of people like him. :( and we’ve been friends a real long time. He always cares if someone says something rude to me or something like that and I really like him. He acts like he likes me but he denies it. And his friends and my friends say he does and he knows I like him. Do you think he likes me or not. Oh jsuk (just so you know) he isn’t afraid to talk about sex or anything. Please please please help!

Answer #1

Maybe he just sees you as a friend. Friends can pretty much talk about anything.

Answer #2

Well just go up to him say do you like me or not because I need to know? and then if you still get no where just wait its hard but if he is worth it you will

Answer #3

Oh… I see :D Lolz, sorry… kinda slow today.

Well, he’s pretty much like me then ._.

Answer #4

I meant like we can joke about things that others are afraid to talk about

Answer #5

w.o.w good advice…

Answer #6

I don’t get what the “afraid of sex” has to do with anything, but…

My girl friends always ask me if I like them in another way… because I act like that. That’s just the way I am…

And if I say I don’t like them, it’s because I don’t like them x_x I’m not shy or anythin’, so when I like someone, I just walk up on them and say: I like you, wanna make out? (Ok, almost that…)

Maybe he’s the same.

Just kiss him. You’ll see by his reaction wether he likes ya or not…

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