How many pixels need a digital camera to be good

I want to know how many pixels need a digital camera to be good and I can take pitcures but not to get blurry pictures how many pixels need at least to have a digital Camera to be considered a good digital camera.

Answer #1

Most cameras these days have more than enough megapixels. Is the other things you need to worry about. Make sure it has Optical Zoom besides the Digital Zoom. If it only has digital zoom look somewhere else. Also something good to have is Image Stabilization. If you want something more creative get a megazoom.. They are not DSLR but have fixed long zooms for more creativity.

Answer #2

Mine is a Pink Casio & it has 8.1 Megapixels

Answer #3

7.2 at the least but 10.1 is the best

Answer #4

The pixel number of a camera is not as important as a lot of people think.

A high quality 2 MP camera with an excellent lens can take impressive pictures that look great so long as they aren’t blown up too much.

The heart of any camera is the lens. The better the lens the better the image. Digital cameras also have the issue of electronics. The higher the quality of the electronics the better the pictures.

You should consider the budget you have and look for the best cameras in that price range. A very good camera with fewer pixes is a better buy than a poor camera with more.

Answer #5

Hey fito, I just went through the buying a new camera - and as the guy explained to me it depends on the use of your camera and photos, The more pixels the better if you plan to do a lot of enlargement also apparently the shutter speed is also something to consider or optical zoom. The higher optical zoom on mine is x 4 the better the photos will be if you focus and move the camera. any camera from 5mega pixels will be good depending on if you want to do a lot of enlargements. remember though the high mp’s the bigger memory card you and hard drive space when you upload it will take. I have a fugifilm 8.3 mega pixels 4 optical zoom which cost about $120

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